Chen Minyi beats Czech friend to defend the Paralympic title in Paris

The first archery medals were awarded at the Paris 2024 Paralympics this Saturday, as Chen Minyi defeated Sarka Pultar Musilova 136-129 to clinch her second-career gold.
The same duo set a W1 women’s final clash in the French capital as in Tokyo three years ago.
Pultar Musilova seeded top with a new world record on Thursday and sought her first Paralympic gold. Minyi came in second in the ranking round, but she performed strongly and clearly won her first two matches en route to the final.
In the gold medal match, Minyi took a five-point lead in the first end and could keep it till the last arrow, which was a 10.
The Chinese defended the title achieved in front of the empty stands in Tokyo 2020. Now, a massive crowd supported her on the way to the gold.
“It was a much better feeling than in Tokyo,” she claimed. “There were people supporting me on the way to my victory.”
“But on the podium, I paid attention to my national flag. The national anthem was a big moment for me.”
Even though no fans were allowed in Tokyo, the newly crowned double Paralympic Champion used earplugs not to get disturbed while shooting.
“In Tokyo, I could focus more on myself,” Minyi admitted. “There wasn’t a lot of noise. And in Paris, the crowd is over there. It was a little bit noisy, so I used earplugs to focus on the game.”

“I understand they are cheering for me, but I needed to stay in my own world. Win was the priority.”
And she reached her goal, defeating Pultar Musilova in the second straight Paralympic final.
“She’s much more competitive than she was in Tokyo,” the Chinese archer said of her opponent. “I believed she was strong, and it demanded a lot of hard work.”
“Outside the field, she’s very outgoing, we’re good friends. I enjoy a lot competing with her,” she added.
Minyi believes archery gives her a chance to reach out to people.
“It’s my way to let the world see and know me.”
And it seems so. She answered questions for somewhat 30 minutes after the prize-giving ceremony.
The Czech archers took the two remaining medals.
With Pultar Musilova reaching silver, her teammate Tereza Brandtlova defeated Korea’s Kim Ok Geum, 127-122, to win bronze.
The competition in Paris continues with compound women’s elimination and medal matches later today.
Podium: Paris 2024 Paralympic Games
Full results on the event page.
W1 women
- Chen Minyi, China
- Sarka Pultar Musilova, Czechia
- Tereza Brandtlova, Czechia