French federation deploys Ianseo for results management

France has become the latest major federation to switch to open source scoring software Ianseo, which servers as the backbone of World Archery’s results and statistics databases, to manage results at domestic events.
“As part of our federation project and with the organisation of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in mind, we’re looking to find efficient tools that professionalise and add value to tournaments across the country,” said French archery federation president Jean-Michel Cleroy.
“The possibility to see results without being on the field gives visibility to the event. Members were able to follow live scoring from national indoor championships, end-by-end, for the first time.”
As well championships having results published online, video coverage of the finals was also live streamed.
The footage used World Archery’s open source television graphics, which are driven by a data link with Ianseo, and now in use by organisers in Italy, Great Britain, Chinese Taipei, Malaysia, USA and Brazil, as well as at international competitions.
Ianseo is developed and maintained by a team of Italian archery enthusiasts: Ardingo Scarzella, Andrea Gabardi, Christian Deligant, Marco Carpignano and Matteo Pisani, a developer who first began the project to make his own archery life easier.
The Italian archery federation soon took an interest and when its president, Mario Scarzella, became president of World Archery Europe, he proposed a partnership that would make the complete version of Ianseo available for free download.
Since then, it has been developed as an open source software with countless branches and modules added for specific applications in federations and clubs around the world.
“The software is complete to World Archery requirements but is also fully customisable,” said Pisani, pointing to the 1000s of diverse competition results published on Ianseo’s website.

“The idea is to have a central but not unique data source, in formats based on the Olympic protocols that make sharing and manipulation easy, while limiting errors.”
As well as recording arrow values, Ianseo has evolved into an encompassing event management infrastructure.
Recent additions include accreditation and access control systems, now in use on the Hyundai Archery World Cup tour to identify who should be on the field of play at any given time, and an API deployed by World Archery to provide data to client applications.
Future developments such as an on-site judging application, upgraded commentator information system for sports presentation, and a media information window are also planned.
Ianseo is a free software developed for archery results management and available for download now.