New version of World Archery rulebook issued on 15 January 2020

A new version of the World Archery rulebook, implementing the changes approved at the last congress and a number of other bylaws, was released on 15 January 2020.
This edition includes the first set of international rules for run archery, the addition of a mixed team event for field archery and details on barebow world records.
There are 44 records available for barebow archers.
Scores can now be claimed by member federations but will not be confirmed until 1 April (indoor records) or 1 June (outdoor records).
The new rulebook also allows for domestic events to use full 80cm faces for compound archers, rather than the six-ring version and introduces new regulations for clothing and quiver names.
Modifications required as part of the good governance motion from Congress 2019 were also made. Part of this was term limitations for positions on World Archery’s executive board and committees.
Detailed explanations of the differences between the current and previous versions of the rulebook are available as pdf files on this website.