World Archery signs up to United Nation’s sports for climate action initiative

World Archery has joined the United Nation’s Sports for Climate Action Initiative and signed the Climate Neutral Now pledge, formalising the federation’s commitment to working towards a net-zero carbon footprint.
The goal is to reduce or offset emissions by at least 10% a year, promoting lasting change in personnel attitudes and the processes that generate high carbon consumption.
An internal analysis of the carbon emissions generated by the office and at international events has been completed, resulting in a five-year action plan.
On a practical level, this will mean immediate changes to office policies, ensuring the minimum waste is generated by employees, as well as new travel policies that reduce the overall number of flights taken by staff and officers.
Initiatives such as that taken by the organiser of the 2019 World Archery Youth Championships in Madrid to replace water bottle stations with fountains and provide reusable bottles to participants will be encouraged among future event hosts.

Synergies with current and potential sponsors will also be sought, especially in instances where innovation can benefit both parties, to ensure any commercial deals reflect this commitment to carbon neutrality.
A new sustainability working group will be responsible for assessing the ongoing progress of the project.
World Archery secretary general Tom Dielen said: “Archery is a sport best enjoyed in the great outdoors and it is all of our responsibilities to ensure the environment remains secure for generates to come.”
“We might not be the worst culprits in terms of carbon emission generation but we hope this sends a clear message that change must happen everywhere. By being responsible for our actions, we will contribute to the planet becoming carbon neutral.”