Quick links to participate in the Summer Summit on Sunday 31 May

The first of World Archery’s Summer Summits is aimed at improving archers and covers theoretical discussion of attitudes towards winning, the correct psychological approach and how planning effective practice directly relates to competition results.
Seven pieces of content will be released hourly from 10h00 CET on Sunday 31 May.
The entire schedule will remain available to view on-demand following the summit, meaning you can follow live as each piece is released or watch the sessions you find most interesting at any time afterwards.
Schedule – 31 May
Content will be released at the times indicated and remain available to view on demand.
10h00 – Park Sung-Hyun: Reflections from the 2004 Olympic Champion
Exclusive interview with Korean archer Park Sung-Hyun, the 2004 Olympic Champion and an eight-time medallist at the World Archery Championships as she reflects on defining moments in her career and what made her special as an archer.
Length of session: 12 minutes. Available to watch on YouTube and Facebook.
11h00 – Archery’s X Factor: Round-table with psychology experts
Psychology practitioners Rich Collins, Cas Karsenberg and Gena Grover discuss archery’s X Factor, a strong mental game, and give practical advice on how archers of all levels can start training their mental approach.
Length of session: 55 minutes. Available to watch on YouTube.
12h00 – The heretic archer or a blueprint for success?
Article detailing Michele Frangilli’s storied career, his role as the heretic archer and his legacy in the sport. An excerpt:
Michele’s era of dominating competition came around the turn of the millennium. Arguably his highest-profile moment in archery didn’t happen until much later.
At the London 2012 Olympic Games, a relatively unfancied Italian team had fought their way into the men’s final, facing a buoyant USA who had defeated Korea in the semis.
It was Frangilli who would shoot the match’s final arrow, under time pressure and in a situation where only a 10 would do.
“I remember the whole sequence of that last shot as if it were today… I knew everything, I heard the noise. I was mostly focused on not making a mistake,” he recalled.
Read full article.
Available to read at worldarchery.org.
13h00 – Anti-doping basics: What archers need to know
Presentation from the International Testing Agency explaining what archers need to know about doping in sport.
Length of session: 30 minutes. Available to watch on YouTube.
14h00 – The science of imagery
Live presentation and activity run by archer, coach and psychologist Guy Matzkin, teaching the theory of visualisation and how to use it effectively.
Length of session: 50 minutes (expected.) Available to watch on YouTube.
15h00 – Q&A: The next step with compound
Live interactive question and answer session with international archers, including Mike Schloesser and Roberto Hernandez, on the subject of what it takes to win tournaments.
Length of session: 50 minutes (expected.) Available to watch on YouTube and Facebook.
16h00 – Competition, practice and technique change
Presentations from coaches Goktug Ergin (Turkey), Oliver Haidn (Germany), Emiel Custers (Netherlands) and Guy Krueger (USA), discussing effective ways in which to practise, improve and compete as an archer.
Length of session: 60 minutes. Available to watch on YouTube.
Future summits
Daily schedules will be released during the week before each summit.
- Tournaments: 28 June 2020
- Judges: 26 July 2020
- Coaches: 30 August 2020
The Summer Summits are a programme of educational days for the archery community.