Handboogsport Netherlands becomes Royal Dutch Archery

The Dutch archery federation has changed its name from Handboogsport Nederland to Royal Dutch Archery after an official ceremony was held on Friday 27 January 2023 at the national training centre of Papendal, home of the national archery teams.
It’s a tradition in the Netherlands for a club or non-profit organisation to ask the King for a royal warrant – but it’s a long procedure.
Applicants must be field-leading in expertise, have national importance and – in principle – have existed for 100 years. The Dutch archery federation was founded on 5 March 1922, so the last condition was filled in March 2022.
After submitting documents on board and staff members, budgets and reports, and safety and security protocols, a royal predicate was granted by the Dutch King Willem-Alexander.
An official presentation took place this weekend by the deputy King’s Commissioner of Gelderland Jan Markink and mayor of Arnhem Ahmed Marcouch, with Willem Trienekens (honorary chairman), Lex Roolvink (president) and Arnoud Strijbis (secretary general) receiving the predicate on behalf othe archery association.
“Archery is attractive to young and old. The sport is all about focusing on the target, with control and relaxation playing a major role. Former Dutch King William III was a fervent archer, which also led to the founding of many clubs in the second half of the 19th century. The fact that the Dutch Archery Association has become royal is a recognition of what has been built in the past 100 years, and indicative of the prosperous future ahead.”